Caracterización Antropométrica, Maduración Y Alimentación En El Futbolista Colombiano Sub15
Published 30-06-2023
- Anthropometry,
- Body Composition,
- Nutrition,
- Sexual Maturation,
- Soccer
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Copyright (c) 2023 Laura Posada Vanegas, Mariana Corrales Jiménez, Mateo Sebastián González Álvarez, Katherine Franco Hoyos, Santiago Gómez Velásquez
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Introduction: Nutrition is a determinant factor of performance in high competitive sports; specifically in youth soccer, the development of superior technical qualities is required to face the physical demands of professional soccer. Several investigations have been carried out that have evaluated anthropometry, body composition, and nutritional intake; however, at a national level, publications in the Colombian population that allow the of anthropometric characteristics related to maturation in adolescent soccer players are scarce. Therefore, the objective of this project was to describe and compare the nutritional-anthropometric status, dietary intake and maturation parameters in Colombian soccer players belonging to the U-15 category. Methods: Anthropometric measurements were taken and a nutritional survey was conducted on 44 U-15 players of the Envigado Fútbol Club in Envigado, Antioquia. Anthropometric parameters were measured according to the standard protocols followed by the ISAK manual. Results: Differences were found in the variables weight, height, wingspan, sitting height, and muscle mass in early maturers with respect to average and late maturers, with early maturers having higher values. Goalkeepers presented greater differences in body weight and adipose mass as opposed to the other playing positions, which could be associated with lower energy expenditure. The average nutritional status indicators of Z BMI-Age and Z Height-Age were adequate, however, the early maturers, on average, were classified as very high for their age (Z Height-Age > 2.0) and only one case classified with risk of height-for-age delay is who presented a late maturation. The average energy intake was 1200 and 1700 kcal ± 400 kcal. Conclusions: Athletes have an adequate nutritional-anthropometric status, a lower energy intake distributed mostly in lipids and carbohydrates and lower in protein than the recommendations for these adolescent athletes.
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